keskiviikko 21. lokakuuta 2020

Assassin's creed Origins

 Assassins Creed (AC) Origins is a game that was released in 2017 and was said to be a breath of fresh air to the franchise, I'm really not quite sure. I have also heard that the game that comes after this one, Odyssey, is like this one but much better, which I don't think would be too difficult to achieve.


The story of this game is quite similar to other AC games but this being the "origins" the assassins are not yet fighting for the common good but rather for their own end, and during their own quest they find a greater purpose. The setting for the story, ancient Egypt, is very interesting and is something that has been mentioned in interviews a long time ago. As for true AC fashion, the game features some known historical figures, such as Cleopatra, who is one of the main characters in the story. 

In short I guess I could say that the story is pretty good, but it is missing a lot of the "origins" that, I don't know those were ever promised, but it is the name of the game so one would assume it would be about that. There is more about the assassins and their creed at the end of the game but this would have been a perfect opportunity to bring back the similar style recruiting that we saw in "AC Brotherhood". That was the only thing I wanted from this game and it did not deliver.


From the gameplay aspect we can see that whole engine, or the whole base for this game has been revamped. All the gameplay features, more or less, worked the same way in previous AC games. In this one nothing worked quite liked they used to. This is probably one of the best changes they made for this game since I don't remember seeing any bugs or glitches in this game, compared to previous AC games glitches almost seemed like a rule rather than an exception. 

The biggest issue I had with this game gameplay wise was the level system. It would not have been such an issue if the story missions were implemented more like previous games where you had to all the missions in order. Especially for people like me who like to play these games in a way that I first go through the story and if I liked the game I would go back and do the rest. This game did not allow that and it made me mad as all hell. See the problem is that there are very few actual "main story missions" and after each one of those missions you need to have gained several levels if you want to have any chance of completing that next mission. I got really angry at the game because instead of letting me play through the story, how I like it, it forced me to do other activities on the side so that at some point I could progress on the story.

One of the ways to gain levels in this game, aside from main story missions, are side missions. These are a really weird bunch, because you do not need to do these if you want to gain enough levels to progress in the game. Side missions are the fastest way, as far as I know, but they are all optional, so naturally I skipped bunch of them and only did enough of them to be high enough level to progress the main story. This again isn't even the worst issue, the worst issue is that a lot of those side quests that I did do, felt like important bits of the main story, not all of them, but most of them. So what they basically have done is, made all these missions that are part of the story, then make some of them main missions and some of them side missions. This might very well be what they did if they stared to build this game in the similar format as all the previous one, and they really should have released the missions as all being main missions because this format just did not do it for me. 

Open world

The world in this one is very interesting. You obviously know what the world is based the fact that it is set in ancient Egypt, but you need to unlock a lot of the map to actually realize what is what and where everything actually is. A big portion of the map is also, I don't know, because I did not discover maybe third of the map in my playthrough. The areas that I never went to, were too high lever for me after I had finished with the main story, and leveling up to that point had been such a pain in the ass that I did not want to do it anymore and just uninstalled the game. So a good portion of the worlds is unknown to me but the part hat I did discover fit very well into the theme of the game. 

Comparison to the previous one

The previous being AC syndicate, I definitely enjoyed syndicate a lot more. Syndicate gave me what it promised, an AC experience in Victorian England and even with all of it bugs, it was still enjoyable. Origins promised me an AC game in ancient Egypt, I made the assumption that it would also be an origins story to the assassins. It sort of was and origins story, just not very good one, and It didn't much feel like an AC game either, other than the fact that you could climb buildings and assassinate people.

The review

This was the worst AC game I have ever played, people are saying odyssey is even better and I don't doubt them one bit because it would actually quite impressive if they managed to make a worse one than this. The new engine and the setting of ancient Egypt are the only saving graces of this game. 3/10

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